Module 1 Summary Video


The final slide in the powerpoint is intended to create a classroom discussion regarding the main ideas in module 1, most notably quantity and co-variation.  Since these will be recurring themes in all of the following modules, this is an opportunity for you, the teacher to ensure the students are beginning to understand the definitions of these concepts and establish a normative way of talking about these concepts.  For example, the students should be able to use the context of the box problem to identify quantities and how they co-varied.  It may be useful to ask them about specific relationships; for example, how the length for the box and the volume covary.  This will help the students recognize the concept as well as develop their notion of covariation.


In addition to honing their co-variation skills, it is also an opportunity to have the students establish connections among and between the multiple representations used during the box problem; the four used were table of data, words, graphical and a function.  As a teacher you can lead a discussion which would highlight the benefits and short comings of each representation.  Since multiple representations will be encouraged throughout the semester, this presents an opportunity to have a discussion about why it is important to have these multiple representations.  For a couple classroom examples of how you can summarize the box problem, take a look at some of the clips on the videos page.


With this being the first module for the course, it is important to begin to establish a normative way of talking and thinking about the mathematics that will be used throughout the semester.  As a teacher you are responsible for making sure the students are beginning to use precise terminology and explaining their reasoning when participating in class.  This type of reinforcement early will reap benefits in later sections as it becomes a normative way of participating in your classroom.


Good luck and see you in module 2!