Welcome to Rational Reasoning
Rational Reasoning markets research-based mathematics materials for students and instructors. The texts are designed to help all students acquire the foundational knowledge to continue studying mathematics. The curricular materials are based on research on knowing and learning mathematics and have been repeatedly studied and revised to assure their effectiveness. An online text accompanies each bounded text. Videos, animations and check your understanding tasks are included to engage students in the deep thinking, reflection and practice necessary for learning new ideas. Procedures and skills can also be reviewed and practiced online with students receiving instant results and detailed solutions.
Teacher support tools accompany each Rational Reasoning text. Conceptually focused worksheets with solutions and teacher notes pose problems and questions to help students develop essential understandings and critical connections. Powerpoint slides with detailed teacher notes and linked animations help novice and expert teachers provide lively and coherent lectures. A professional development website accompanies each text and includes classroom videos of teachers implementing our materials.